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Animations are a must in this visual content world

It is public knowledge that the world is constantly changing and evolving. Social networks and everything that happens on the internet take up more and more space in our lives. Every minute of every day we are consuming content and this content is created in multiple formats depending on what the public needs. Because today the public dominates the game. And this one has less and less time to pay attention, they live a frenzy that must be satisfied with content in small bites at all times.

It is scientifically proven that moving things attract more attention, nowadays everything is visual. In that sense, animations are a great tool to communicate as it makes understanding faster.

But the content or the videos that the public consumes are not only for entertainment. Social networks today are the portal to a new world, whether to seek inspiration or a new job, they serve us to achieve our goals.

Nowadays, content is used for everything, in every industry.

Let us explain why animations can be useful: from the commercial side, for example, these are great for presentations, if we talk about branding there is nothing better than video to tell stories, the same applies to social networks. They can be educational, tutorials, commercials or a sit-down video with great storytelling materials. With a one minute animation you might tell more than with 20 images.

If you are an interior designer, what is better than a flythrough to show your project with different space configurations. If you are an industrial designer, an animation will be the best to highlight your product's features. If you are a company or a brand that needs to create content, whether for marketing material, what’s  better than a how-to video or a specific tutorial for your business or product. The possibilities are really endless and just one click away. Are you ready to tell your next story?